Meet Beth

Welcome to
Beth Rosen Nutrition


My name is Beth Rosen and I am a Non-Diet Registered Dietitian, practicing nutrition for Gastrointestinal disorders and disordered eating issues from a Health At Every Size® approach. I am the owner of Beth Rosen Nutrition in Southbury, Connecticut and I work with my clients virtually either by phone or video.

I have been practicing nutrition since 1995. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics from the University of Maryland at College Park and my Master’s degree in Nutrition Education from Columbia University, Teachers College, in New York City.

My expertise lies in helping clients find relief from digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS) and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Gastroparesis, Colitis, and GERD, as well as share my knowledge as a GI Dietitian with other health professionals via webinars, seminars, and mentoring. I have also designed techniques and programs to empower chronic dieters, disordered eaters, and those in eating disorder recovery to mend their relationship with food and their bodies.

Besides working with clients individually, I have created online courses, given corporate wellness seminars, presented at conferences for health professionals, written articles for major online and print publications, such as HuffingtonPost and FabUPlus Magazine, and I am a recurring guest on the Fox 61 Morning Show in Hartford, CT.

“I get it”

Beth Rosen MS, RD, CDN

My Dieting Story…

I know first-hand what it feels like to fail at dieting. I had been doing it since I was nine years old and never found the solution to my weight “problem” from any of the diets that I tried… and believe me, I tried them all! What I did find was poor self-esteem, a debilitating body image, and guilt and shame associated with a number of foods that ranged from butter to bananas.

Then one day, it just hit me: As I was debating the “virtue” of an apple (was it a “good” food or a “bad” food?), I realized that my only “problem” was with diets and the ridiculous “do’s” and “don’ts” that I learned. There was nothing wrong with my body, and I was sick and tired of listening to the commercial diet industry (a $72 billion business) telling me that I didn’t meet the “ideal.”

Over time, I learned to listen to my body instead of diet culture and found freedom from restriction, and freedom from the guilt and shame that paired with every diet. What I gained was body-acceptance and the knowledge that all bodies — every shape and size — are beautiful. When I learned to focus on my health, rather than my weight, I began to find joy in food, movement, and life. Oh, and my body!

My Belly Story…

My whole life, I could always eat any food and not suffer from gut issues. That is, until one day I when I ended up in the emergency room, doubled over in pain. After being sent home without an answer, I went to see a gastroenterologist who diagnosed me with c. difficile – a nasty bacterial infection. After the course of antibiotics, I still wasn’t 100% myself.

I found that I had digestive issues all the time. It wasn’t what I ate, it was that I ate. To make a very long story short, it turns out that I had a second bout of the same infection and ended up with a diagnosis of Post-Infectious Irritable Bowel syndrome. Since then, my PI-IBS was diagnosed as IBS. I've had two bouts of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and felt a true decline in my quality of life. Through dietary and supplemental interventions, I was able to heal my gut. Today, I can eat almost everything, with the exception of the trigger foods I have identified for myself, and manage my IBS, I love helping clients do the same.

Client Testimonials

I was getting sick and vomiting every two weeks, not knowing what would trigger it.  I was in a state of desperation and my gastroenterologist referred me to Beth. I love the non-medicated approach and the science behind why certain foods cause the issues I have.  Beth made me feel there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Her knowledge and expertise is extremely helpful for my condition. Physically, I rarely get sick anymore and if I do, I can figure out what triggered it.  My health and energy are much better since working with Beth. Emotionally and mentally, I do not feel that my life is a guessing game and I do not feel hopeless any longer.

Lisa C

Client with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

I worked with Beth over a 7-week period. We focused on goals of incorporating fruits into my daily intake and lowering my metabolic health indicators (ie blood pressure, cholesterol, A1C, etc) without throwing me into an unhealthy state mentally.  I just reviewed my 6th-month numbers with my Naturopathic Physician and we are both thrilled! A1C- Down! LDL- Down! Everything we were looking at- Down! I’m super excited to have accomplished this without shaming or going extreme with behaviors, as would have previously been my habit.

Timalee N

I didn’t know how to make sense of what I should or shouldn’t eat. I was stuck in a constant pain cycle with my IBS and frustrated with all the options of how to heal.  I appreciated Beth’s Health at Every Size® approach. Instead of dieting, I learned about paying attention to what my body needed. It’s easy to work with Beth. I needed someone online and accessible and she was both. My symptoms are so much better and my anxiety is better as well. Now what I eat is easy to navigate when at home or out to eat.


Kelly H

Client with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

I loved how Beth put a positive spin on everything: not being down on ourselves, eating slowly and mindfully, savoring good food, and nourishing our bodies. Her passion for what she does makes her radiant, and I think we all felt very nurtured by Beth. Thanks again for a wonderful program!


Debby H

Client with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

I went to another RD and I was placed on a strict plan.  I had a hard time fitting in all the food, especially the “snacks”.  There were also times when eating out or at family events when sticking to the plan was not possible and I felt guilty. I liked how Beth’s approach was practical and matched my lifestyle.  I loved cookies and Beth assured me that I could eat them – that all foods can fit.  It was good to know that I could eat without feeling guilty. She also suggested some simple ideas to make my diet more varied, and now I feel wiser as to how I can continue to eat well wherever I am.  After working with Beth, I find that I eat because I am hungry not because it is time to eat.  I feel more in charge of what I eat now, and I don’t restrict my food anymore.


Joanne M

Client with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Own Your IBS, IBS Organizer from Beth Rosen RD


If you want the best possible care, your doctors need to "get it." Use my free IBS organizer to gather the pieces of your IBS story and tell it with confidence.

Low FODMAP-Friendly foods I love: